Love Vs. Lust

The dictionary defines “love” as: to feel tender affection for somebody and defines “lust” as: the strong physical desire to have sex with somebody. Two different words with completely different meanings often confused with one another. Synonyms of the word love: worship, adore, be devoted to; synonyms of the word lust: desire, yearn, long for.

Have you ever had a man that looked so good that you thought you were in love although his looks were the only thing that he was bringing to the table? How about a man that put it down so good that you knew he was the one that you wanted to spend your life with although he already has a few children and drama with his baby momma? Ever find yourself accepting treatment that you wouldn’t normally accept from an average guy that you will accept from “that” guy because he looks so damn good, makes money or has a diamond encrusted dick and tongue of gold? Do you find yourself settling for someone who doesn’t have the most desirable situation thinking that he is worth the hassle because of the materialistic items that he can afford you or the orgasms he gives you?

Why is it that most women confuse love with lust? You are not in love with him, you’re in love with how he makes you feel when he is licking, sticking or opening his wallet. When he is not doing those few key things…is he really worth your time? I thought I was in love with someone but I realized I was in lust with his penis. When we weren’t in bed he had nothing to offer me that I NEEDED. He didn’t uplift me, motivate me or make me a better woman. I am now in a situation where I’m not sure if it’s love or lust. It’s been a rollercoaster ride getting to where we are currently.  Imagine an old wooden rickety rollercoaster at an amusement park. We took the extremely slow incline up and now I’m about to experience the thrill of not knowing what’s next. Will I enjoy the ride, sit in the front with my hands in the air or will I throw up and never want to take the ride again and be pissed that I wasted my tickets? I consider myself to be an intelligent woman  so WHY do I get these two confused? I mean, I do know the difference….don’t I?